Favorite Things of 2007Favorite Moment: I can never narrow this down to just one.
When my new boss said, "What did I ever do without you?"
Many touching moments with my children.
Favorite Music: I loved Emerson Harts solo album, Daughtry and Foo Fighters.
Favorite Movies: I really liked the Bourne Ultimatum, Knocked Up was funny and early in the year I saw the Illusionist and loved it. Cartoon: Ratatouille.
Most Fun: Taking my son on a quick trip to Chicago! So much fun.
Favorite Tv:: Still love Grey's Anatomy, CSI (original), Pushing Daisies, October Road. Daily Show & The Soup.
Favorite Books: I loved the last Harry Potter! I thought A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction was funny. I liked The 13th Tale. I reread The Golden Compass because it was so good and so well awarded when it came out in the 1990's but after all the crazy religous rants about banning the movie I thought I'd better read it again, NOPE I still love it. Darn, apparently I may have damaged my soul. Please, I can't stand book burnings and movie banners. My motto is watch it or not, read it our not, but shut the h*ll up and let other people enjoy what they like.
Favorite Blogs I don't have as much time this year but I still try and read Finding Blanche, Dooce and This Just In at least once a week.
Pop Culture I think Suri Cruise is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen.
Britney Spears shaving her head....I mean seriously.....wtf!!! And now her little sis is preggers. OMG...Lynn Spears, kiss the motherhood book GOODBYE.
The writers strike has lasted so much longer than I thought it would. I miss my late night shows : (
2007 was a pretty good year! I'm hoping that 2008 will be Great.
Happy New Year!